I want to share a scene with you.
Right now, we more often commit to recording chapters, but in many cases, I forgot to share the recording with you live. (Sometimes it becomes difficult due to the weather at the time of filming)
That is why I will share the live stream with you on our YouTube channel on November 6 of this year.
To activate the notification, follow us on our youtube account.
For those who cannot watch it live, a live broadcast will be released.
SLA is always thinking of you and we appreciate you keeping in touch with our web series.
Myra Divine
在這些時候,我們更頻繁地致力於錄製章節,但在很多情況下,我忽略了與您現場分享錄音。 (有時會因為拍攝時的天氣而變得困難)
這就是為什麼今年 11 月 6 日我將通過我們的 YouTube 頻道與您分享現場直播。
要激活通知,請在我們的 YOUTUBE 帳戶上關注我們。
SLA 一直在為您著想,我們感謝您與我們的網絡系列保持聯繫。