Hello my dear friend, I am sending you some scream shots from the movie
RAID ON THE BARRACKS Have you already downloaded it? Tell me, what do you think of this recent SLA movie? Mayra Divine
RAID ON THE BARRACKS Have you already downloaded it? Tell me, what do you think of this recent SLA movie? Mayra Divine
Recently I was writing a scrip for a custom video and I asked if actresses could play multiple roles in one video. In order to have a larger cast of characters, but with fewer actresses. (To reduce costs.) I thought it was my idea. But, in purchasing older videos, I see they have already done that. And they do it again in this video. In my up-coming video I suggested that each time an actress appears as a new character, she should be wearing a different costume-- to reinforce the idea she is a new character. In this video they used a different trick. Some of the actresses, when they appear as a new character, thy wear a wig. This video appears to have a much larger cast than it does. For lots of sexy assassinations!